I am a big fan of Lifehacker’s weekly “How I work” series. I have decided to use and answer the series’ question template as the basis for today’s blog post . I would recommend you check out the series on Lifehacker.
Current gig: Researcher, blogger, speaker,
Location: Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, England
Current mobile device: iPhone 4s
Current computer: Samsung X520
One word that best describes how you work: Slowly
What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? (1) Dropbox: I love the fact that I can access my documents on any Internet connected device using Dropbox. (2)Flipboard: This app is beautifully designed and it allows me to have my key content feeds in one place, (3) Pocket: This app makes curating and reading longform stories a very pleasant experience. (4) Notability: The best note taking app on the iPad for me by a distance.
What’s your workspace setup like? Organised Chaos. My workspace at home is quite similar to the one at work. It looks cluttered but I am able locate things that I need them . I admit I should focus more on the ‘organised’ and less on the ‘chaos’.

What do you listen to while you work? It depends on what I am doing because when I need to concentrate then I prefer not to listen to anything. If I must have music when I need to concentrate then I will go for classical music or Jazz – no words to distract me.
What’s your best time-saving trick? I learn a lot of valuable information by watching educational conference videos on Youtube, Vimeo and TED as well as listening to podcasts on either the iPhone or iPad especially when doing mundane things like cleaning the house, washing plates or cooking in the kitchen.
What’s your favorite to-do list manager? I have tried many different apps and software but pen and paper is still my number one preference. It is so simple.
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without? The iPad. This device reduced my dependency on the Samsung X520. It also doubles as a TV when my family are watching the main TV in the living room.
What everyday thing are you better at than anyone else? Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Definitely more of an introvert. I enjoy my alone time.
What’s your sleep routine like? I tend to go to bed between 11pm and midnight.
Fill in the blank. I’d kill to see ________ answer these same questions. So many individuals – Austin Kleon, Ira Glass, Jonathan Harris, Doug Belshaw and Malcolm Gladwell.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Focus and hard work will take you a long way.” This was from my parents.
Is there anything else you’d like to add? Kevin Smith said that “Figure out what you love to do, then figure out how to get paid to do it”. I believe that the folks who do this are the truly successful individuals because work is play for them. This is level where I want to operate on a daily basis.
2 replies on “How I Work”
Hey Prof…I gotta say I have enjoyed this seemingly simple piece. I’m always looking for a way to improve my day-to-day being, and I have definitely picked up a couple things from this piece. I am slowly getting into watching more of the TED conferences too, they are quite engaging and inspiring.
The advice your parents gave is a gem indeed. Getting paid for what I love to do will definitely make the right kind of difference.
How far with all the apps though…geez! LOL
I like my alone time, sadly few understand that need. My wife functions around people 24/7. Are you feeling sorry for me? I know, I am too