
Following my Curiosities

Image source: Eflon

It is 2021 and I want to get back into the habit of blogging. I used to blog regularly several years ago and lost momentum. I am a natural procrastinator and if given the opportunity I would procrastinate. My target for 2021 is to write at least 2 blog posts per month and I am making this public so I can hold myself accountable.

What will I blog about?

This has been my biggest mental block and reason for not writing much in the last few years. I couldn’t determine what I wanted this website to be about. Did I want to talk about work related topics or personal interest topics? I was stuck and that led to little creative output. I was also trying to write content that other people would like to read instead of topics that interested me. I realised that I had to be true to myself. The first step towards change is self-awareness.

I am going to follow my curiosities via my blog and see where they lead in in 2021. I invite you to join me on this trip. I have a good feeling that we would learn some interesting things along the way.

Happy New Year.

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